Anchored in the focal corner of the prototyping area factory that he calls his “work home”, Juan who is no taller 5′ 4″ stands tall behind his working desk. Although he is only five feet tall, his presence permeates every inch of the open room. Like a bee, he is in a constant state of motion moving from one station to the next, looking carefully over one shoulder at a time to inspect the seams. It’s this laser like focus on detail – an acute attention to his craft – that makes each bag that he brings to life a true work of art.

For more than 30 years, Juan has been designing leather patterns by hand at our factory in the Dominican Republic—patterns that have been the genesis point for some of the world’s most revered leather bags. In our travels, we have discovered a precious few like Juan that share a level of skill in their trade that is unmatched anywhere else in the world. Their love of their work and enthusiasm for their craft is immediately evident, oftentimes infectious. It is why we have entrusted them with crafting our Moore & Giles leather, into your Moore & Giles bag.

Today, it’s uncommon to know the faces behind a product. Often, we glance at where it’s made, but seldom do we know by whom. Since launching our leather bag collection eight years ago, we have made a connection with Juan and his team that we are proud to showcase. Our passion for what we do and desire to achieve the same excellence in our work bonds us closely together.

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