FAQ: Will the magnets on some wallets demagnetize my credit card?

One of the most common questions we receive in regards to our money clip and money clip wallet are concerns of demagnetization for credit cards. While our money clips and wallets are not known to demagnetize credit cards, they have been known to demagnetize a hotel room key or two. Read below for a few tips and tricks for keeping all of your cards safe.

For starters, we recommend using our money clip for its namesake – money.

We make this recommendation because the strip of leather between the magnet and your card is so thin – exposing cards to the magnet (the culprit of the demagnetization).

The further away your card is from the magnet, the safer. With a money clip, magnets enclose the cards and cash on both sides, making it hard to provide a protective layer.

Never leave home without your cards? We have a best of both worlds solution – our money clip wallet. Cards are safe-kept in an ultra-slim front pocket while the back reveals a magnetic clip. Our money clip wallets provide a safer distance between magnet and card allowing you to rest easy knowing your cards are safeguarded.


As an added precaution we always recommend layering any cards with magnetic strips away from the magnet with the magnetic strip facing out, preventing exposure and any embarrassment when cards won’t swipe.



Wait! Why would a magnet demagnetize a hotel key and not a credit card? Gift cards, hotel keys and amusement park season passes are typically made with a low-coversity magnetic strip intended for temporary use. Bank cards, employee cards, library cards tend to be constructed with a high-coversity magnetic strip – a stronger and more durable option for long-term use.

K & J Magnetics states, “the high-coercivity cards, require a field strength of somewhere around 4,000 gauss to demagnetize. The low-coercivity ones that are often re-written, require about 300 gauss.” 

Because of this, we additionally suggest layering cards, facing out, by placing those least likely to demagnetize (example: bank cards) on the inside and those most likely to demagnetize (example: hotel key) on the outside.

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